Priscilla is one of our friendly sheep. She came to us less than a year old in 2010 but had some trouble in loading into her trailer and broke one of her front hooves. She required a lot of special care in dressing and antibiotic salves on that hoof for about six months. During this time she became very accepting of hands-on treatment and closeness with humans.


Priscilla has a wether offspring named Porter. He has the same gentle temperament of his mother. She is gentle but like most sheep very wary. If you approach her slow and easy she will reach out for a treat or a head pat.


The hoof that broke so many years ago is a bit problematic when it comes to trimming. It continues to grow slightly malformed with an upturn at the tip of it that is very, very hard to cut. Despite this, Priscilla is very cooperative when it comes time for shearing and hoof trims.


Are you interested in virtually adopting Priscilla? If you would like to help her with veterinary bills, feed, and shared shelter, you can donate any monthly amount and receive personal updates on Priscilla.



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