
Goat Day Afternoon Featuring Sheba

A friend of the rescue – Gautreau Family Estate Wines – recently sponsored our sweet little doe Sheba. We are very grateful for such sponsorship because these donations help us to buy feed, provide shelter and veterinary care. (Our hearty thanks to the winery!).

Sheba is a classic Nigerian Dwarf. Her nickname is “little snickers bar” because she looks like – well a snickers bar! Sheba has a great disposition and is always friendly and affectionate. She likes scratches on the middle of her back.


In this video you can see how the big blonde Rufus (Nubian/Boer mix) is running interference and getting his big head in the way of the shot. Unfazed, Sheba sidles up and gets a pat on the head. Directly behind her is her son Saul. He’s a Nigerian Dwarf & La Mancha mix. His dad 

Guinness, a full-blooded La Mancha, is in the background.


Note how Saul inherited his dad’s little ears (they are normal for that breed). Saul’s sibling Sydney is out of frame. Although they were born at the same time, Sydney’s dad was another Nigerian Dwarf mix.

Sheba needed help in delivering Sydney. She was exhausted from kidding Saul, so I had to help Sheba by pulling Sydney out a little. That was ten years ago. To this day, when it’s time for bed, Sheba lays down and her bookends are her little wethers Saul and Sydney. They really love their mom and are rarely far from her.


If you are interested in sponsoring one of the critters at LGRS, go to l u c k y g l i d e r . o r g


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