Donkeys in their Loafing Shed

Four of the John Donkeys at LGRS now have a new loafing shed to huddle in during cold and rainy winter nights. The building is thanks to our neighbor Kevin and his brother Philip (and crew) who also helped with the foundation for the new barn. The males were displaced from the proper run-in part… Continue reading Donkeys in their Loafing Shed

Hotlips Honks for Hugs

Our precious “Hotlips” the Chinese Goose just loves attention. When it comes time to feed the critters at the hangar/barn, she is front and center — sticking her head through the fence and honking for attention. Here she is parading back and forth waiting for me to put my hand through to pet her on… Continue reading Hotlips Honks for Hugs

Herschel and Zeus Tug-of-War

After feeding time, the John Donkeys will often use their feed tubs as a tug-of-war play toy. Here, Herschel (on left) and Zeus are both holding on to one of the tubs. They were doing this for about five minutes until I disturbed them. As soon as they saw me approaching, they dropped the tub…… Continue reading Herschel and Zeus Tug-of-War

Twin Ducks Debut at Sanctuary

A local family friend dropped off two ducks a few weeks back that were being picked on by dogs. The dogs were nipping at the ducks and pulling out feathers. Of course this was stressful for the ducks so our friends decided to bring them to the sanctuary.   We decided to put them in… Continue reading Twin Ducks Debut at Sanctuary

Reconstruction of Outbuildings at Sanctuary

We are happy to report to all friends of Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary great progress on the rebuilding of shelter outbuildings here after a tornado touched down in early July. As some of you are aware, a horrendous storm wrecked several outbuildings on the sanctuary property. One shed was turned up-side down and it… Continue reading Reconstruction of Outbuildings at Sanctuary

Jennies at the Water Cooler

The Jennets down at the East barn and pasture are really attached to one another. That’s Callie the skewbald one and Mocha, the dark brown one. These two are inseparable and will do whatever it takes to be in one another’s line of sight.   It is their habit to congregate around the stock tank… Continue reading Jennies at the Water Cooler

Kisses From Rufus

We are happy to report that Rufus the wether is back to his old self again after fighting off a bout of acidosis a few weeks back. This is the same goat who demands attention at feeding time and blocks our path when we go out to pitch hay. Here he is snuggling up and… Continue reading Kisses From Rufus

Homecoming for Rufus

Herschel and Friends: Donkey Snack Time

No matter where the John Donkeys are on the sanctuary property, they are always looking for a handout. They love to be fed even if it’s a very small amount. Here comes Herschel, Jules, Nestle, Kharma and Zeus – sauntering up to the small pen behind the chicken house. Nestle is AWOL from looking after… Continue reading Herschel and Friends: Donkey Snack Time

Callie & Mocha Share Late Afternoon Meal

It’s been a year since we switched-up the feed grain regimen for the jennies Callie and Mocha. They were getting a common “all stock” type of feed along with some oats before that. But that old diet contributed to them being overweight. Over the winter they lost plenty of weight and started to look good,… Continue reading Callie & Mocha Share Late Afternoon Meal