Donkey Logic – Be A Chipmunk

The intelligence (and competition) of these John Donkeys is always a source of amusement and wonder. Here they are at the hangar barn chewing some coastal hay. Note how Zeus, Jules, and Kharma, all in the foreground – are scrounging for scraps whilst Mr. Piggy in the background (that is Jules) has managed to stuff… Continue reading Donkey Logic – Be A Chipmunk

Honk If You Love Me

Hotlips the Chinese Goose is always very excited to see me in the morning. Even when feed is being distributed she will ignore it for a chance to stick her neck through the fence to be petted. Here, she is flanked by Gilligan (white) and Hawkeye. The other two like attention as well, but none of… Continue reading Honk If You Love Me

John Donkey Bucket Bandit

Oh that Nestle is such a spoiled baby! He knows when it’s time for me to feed the mule and he’s hot on my trail the whole way! Here he is jamming his head into Buddy the Mule’s bucket on my way down the hill in the paddock.  Nestle, one of five John Donkeys here, is… Continue reading John Donkey Bucket Bandit

Cooper’s Hawk Foiled by Aviary

Cooper’s Hawks are primarily woodland birds but so long as you have clumps of trees they can find a habitat. Here in Bosque County Texas, we are in the Edwards Plateau, which is characterized by mostly savanna scattered with trees. Hawks are abundant here. The county is named for the Bosque River, which runs north… Continue reading Cooper’s Hawk Foiled by Aviary

Donkeys: Lettuce Have Some!

There are two observations you can take away from this video pretty quickly: 1) donkeys love lettuce; and 2) donkeys have long ears. Let’s explore both of these… Here we see Callie, the skewbald Jenny on the left, Nestle, the brown John donkey to the right, and Mocha, the dark Jenny on the far right. All… Continue reading Donkeys: Lettuce Have Some!

Goatspotting at the Sanctuary

Here at Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary we just love the goats and sheep. Especially the goats. Here, the Hangar Barn herd is just hanging out and following me around looking for some treats. The video begins with wether Saul (left foreground) opposite his dad (right foreground) just lolling about. You’ll notice that Saul has… Continue reading Goatspotting at the Sanctuary

Dinner Bell for Shepherdess Cowgirl

Our sweet sorrel mare “Cowgirl” loves her dinner routine. She usually lounges within earshot outside the barn over by the stock tank. When she hears her name being called, she runs into the barn and directly into her stall. It’s truly amazing how gingerly she steps between the sheep so as not to hurt them. … Continue reading Dinner Bell for Shepherdess Cowgirl

The Donkey Way of Talking

Donkeys have no trouble getting their point across. You just have to learn what they are saying. Here, at the beginning of the video, John Donkey “Nestle” (on left) lets out short, bass grunts as his way of showing he is excited to get feed. Notice also how their ears are pointed slightly forward, which… Continue reading The Donkey Way of Talking

A Rare Sight Donkeys Sharing

What a pleasant surprise to see some of our John Donkeys chowing down together on some coastal hay this morning over at the hangar barn. It is rare for four donkeys to peacefully chomp on food in such close proximity to one another. In most cases, the leader will rear up and kick at the… Continue reading A Rare Sight Donkeys Sharing

Swainson’s Hawk Glides Gracefully

What a wonderful pause to watch the beauty of this raptor in flight. On a day with a stiff breeze, this magnificent creature can waft effortlessly for a seeming eternity. Identifying give-aways on this raptor include the pale undertail and underwing coverts and its white belly. The Swainson’s Hawk is but one homage to British… Continue reading Swainson’s Hawk Glides Gracefully