Turkey Poult Parade

In our last post I mentioned that wild Turkey hens brood in April and their clutch hatches in May. At that point we were in anticipation of “Tessie” having poults in tow real soon and we asked you to stay tuned… Well guess what? Tessie has about six poults parading behind her now. In this video… Continue reading Turkey Poult Parade

Wild Turkey Hen Hanging Out

“Tessie” the wild turkey hen is back to visit. She seems attracted to the donkeys and goats down by the hangar barn. Wild turkeys are known to forage along with other critters, so maybe she’s looking for cross-species companionship. Some people say turkeys will forage amongst squirrels and deer as a hedge against predation. Regardless,… Continue reading Wild Turkey Hen Hanging Out

Sleepy Time For Mister Toad

We just love the family of toads that lives under our driveway. Yes, these little ones use the expansion gap in the driveway as a means to crawl into their underground lair each morning. Toads venture out mostly during the darker hours so they can scavenge for bugs.  They’re pretty quick too! If they see a… Continue reading Sleepy Time For Mister Toad

Donkey Tail Hypnosis

Here’s an alternative to those wonderful videos of waves crashing or bubbling brooks to help you sleep. Yep, it’s the happy swishing of donkey tails! Just put this video in a loop and you’ll be hypnotized and sleeping in just a few minutes… People often ask us about the disposition of a donkey based on their… Continue reading Donkey Tail Hypnosis

Pygmy Wether Brady Is King Of The Hill

Our little Pygmy Goat wether Brady just loves to inspect his domain from atop his perch – that is an overturned stock tank. We often observe him watching over the sheep as if he is their self-appointed king. Of course Brady is a real ham for the camera and loves to strike a pose and grab… Continue reading Pygmy Wether Brady Is King Of The Hill

Cowgirl Says Follow The Leader

Our sorrel mare “Cowgirl” knows when it’s time to eat. Notice how she comes bolting over the barn the minute she sees me.  Meanwhile the sheep and their buddy “Brady” the pygmy goat wether just saunter about taking their time coming over.  But when they see Cowgirl making a beeline for dinner, they fall in line… Continue reading Cowgirl Says Follow The Leader

Happy Herschel Munches Hay

Our sweet John Donkey “Herschel” just loves to chow down on coastal hay. He’s at the bottom of the pecking order in the herd, so despite me spreading out their grain feed in separate troughs, they often nudge him away. He’ll then poke about for something else to eat so he gets first shot and… Continue reading Happy Herschel Munches Hay

Cradling Our Black Australorp Rooster

Mister Big Shot is a  Black Australorp Rooster. We hadn’t planned on him. That is to say when we got him and a bunch of other chickens as day-olds… he was supposed to be a hen. Imagine our surprise when one of the pullets started crowing at three months old. We thought “she” was just… Continue reading Cradling Our Black Australorp Rooster

Gander Bath Time for Hawkeye

Oh how these geese treasure their bath time! If they aren’t watchdogging or chasing each other – they are in one of two stock tanks taking a dip and grooming. Note the routine of this Chinese Gander as he takes his bath. First, there is a lot of head dunking and bobbing followed by feather grooming.… Continue reading Gander Bath Time for Hawkeye

Nestle Mothered By Mocha

It warms our hearts to see how the jenny “Mocha” (dark one in the background) has taken up the role of surrogate mom to lil orphan Nestle. As those of you who are friends of the sanctuary know, Nestle lost his mom BonBon a while back and we decided to keep him in the dry… Continue reading Nestle Mothered By Mocha