Ricky The Gentleman Rooster

Our Black Australorp rooster who lives in the aviary at the new barn is such a gentleman! Here in the video you will see him strut about as the ducks and the hens have their fill of the morning meal. He pecks the ground just a bit but for the most part he yields to… Continue reading Ricky The Gentleman Rooster

Rufus Is King Of The Hay Pile

Rufus is our Nubian/Boer mixed whether. He’s the boss in these here parts – well of the other goats that is. Here he is laying smack dab in the middle of the hay pile put out for the goats. He is not content to eat the hay and chase off the others when they approach.… Continue reading Rufus Is King Of The Hay Pile

Cub Cadet UTV is coming in handy

Our trusty Cub Cadet UTV is coming in handy this week for hauling 5-gallon water buckets to the animals’ stock tanks. One of the pump houses operated by our local water cooperative failed Tuesday night. A bad pump needs to be replaced. That leaves a small pump at a separate well house that is still… Continue reading Cub Cadet UTV is coming in handy

Gentle Cowgirl Shares Pile of Hay

Our sweet sorrel mare “Cowgirl” is so kind to the sheep at LGRS. In addition to being their protector and shepherdess, she also takes part of her meal with them. There are really two courses to the meals in the morning. Course one is pellets and carrots. This consists of medicated sheep pellets (no copper)… Continue reading Gentle Cowgirl Shares Pile of Hay

Breakfast With Barn Cats

So far there is no evidence that these sweet feral kitties have a clue about mousing. Still plenty of mice scattering around the hangar barn pilfering the roosters’ food. Nonetheless the cats have become a fixture in the daily routine at LGRS. When not lolling about in the feed room area, the cats visit with the… Continue reading Breakfast With Barn Cats

Gypsy Discovers Water Bucket

Gypsy, the 2-month-old Boer Goat kid — is learning all kinds of new things. For example, she is starting to munch on strands of hay and will take soaked hay cubes by hand. Although she is still on the bottle, she has also discovered the water bucket. Here in this video, you can see how she… Continue reading Gypsy Discovers Water Bucket

Bottle Baby Gypsy Joins Family

A six-week-old Boer Goat kid has joined the LGRS family. She came to us a week ago as a “bottle baby” from a local couple here in Bosque county. She’s still on the bottle but growing stronger each day. “Gypsy” cannot be integrated with the other goats or sheep at present because she is not… Continue reading Bottle Baby Gypsy Joins Family

Mule Surprisingly Shares With Donkeys

What a wonderful surprise awaited us this morning! While I was sitting with Anthony the rooster, we observed a very welcome sight. Here Buddy the Mule (on left) was sharing a pile of coastal hay with two of the John donkeys: Herschel (background, right), and Zeus (foreground, right). This is not at all normal behavior… Continue reading Mule Surprisingly Shares With Donkeys

Rooster Anthony Cooing and Clucking

Anthony loves to coo and cluck in addition to some very loud and proud crowing. He’s one of two game fowl that joined the sanctuary courtesy of Animal Investigation & Response – a Texas-based non-profit. We cannot keep them together as they were bred to fight, but they often get into a rousing “call and… Continue reading Rooster Anthony Cooing and Clucking

Close Encounters of the Mule Kind

Buddy the mule has been with us for over a year now, and he is slowly integrating with the John donkeys. For a time, we tried to put him with the love of his life Cowgirl the shepherdess mare, but that did not work out. He was displaying too much aggressive behavior towards the sheep,… Continue reading Close Encounters of the Mule Kind