Guard Geese Show Off

Hawks: Why we house the chickens

Sorry Mr. Raptor, no chicken treats for you today! All the chickies are put away….. There was a hawk peering into the chicken house down at the hangar barn this morning. A beautiful specimen. I startled it when walking in so it flew up into the rafters and sat for a while. Luckily, it stood still long enough… Continue reading Hawks: Why we house the chickens

Brady Bonkers for Breakfast

BonBon’s homecoming

Rufus the Attention Toll-Taker

Rufus is our wonderful and affectionate Nubian/Boer mix wether. He’s the biggest, most dominant goat in the herd and definitely the leader of them all.   Our feeding routine includes pushing up the goats’ feed buckets to the fence line so it’s easier to distribute their grain in the morning. But Rufus acts as toll-taker… Continue reading Rufus the Attention Toll-Taker

Charmaine Mud Play and Dinner Time with Geese

Charmaine the duck hen is integrating well now with the geese. In this video compilation, you can see her playing in the mud, jockeying for food and just plain having out with the bigger waterfowl. By every indication, the geese have completely accepted her.   We think they look at the duck as a “little… Continue reading Charmaine Mud Play and Dinner Time with Geese

Bossy BonBon at Chow Time

Our lovely BonBon is an enthusiastic eater and chow time.   Here, you can see her savoring every little scrap of her feed. Notice how towards the end of the video she pushes away Mocha (the dark Jenny on the right of the screen, and her son Nestle (gelding on the left part of the… Continue reading Bossy BonBon at Chow Time

Charmaine the Duck Hen Encounters Geese

After several days to allow Charmaine the duck hen to get used to her surroundings, we decided to try her with the geese.   At first, we had her sequestered in the new barn chicken nursery with a few bottom-of-the-pecking order chickens.   Luckily, Charmaine’s encounter with the geese was without incident. As you can… Continue reading Charmaine the Duck Hen Encounters Geese

Logan the Wether Visits for Hoof Trims

Friend of the sanctuary Brenda has been coming by for about a year now with her wether “Logan” who looks to be a Nigerian mix.   He’s a sweet little boy but he’s a bit overweight these past few months.   When Brenda acquired the goat, he was walking on its knees because its hooves… Continue reading Logan the Wether Visits for Hoof Trims

Duck Hen Joins LGRS

A friend of the sanctuary delivered this pretty black duck hen because some aggressive roosters were picking on her and pulling out her feathers.   We have geese, chickens and a guinea here at LGRS but this is our first duck. Since she’s waterfowl, we contemplated placing her with the geese but that will need… Continue reading Duck Hen Joins LGRS