Nestle Goes Home to Mommy

Whilst in Coryell County TX on a weekend jaunt, we were fortunate enough to see a live hummingbird’s nest. We visited friends but social distancing was the order of the day so we sat on strategically placed lawn chairs, facial masks affixed — all of us sitting under a scrub oak. Although it was hot,… Continue reading Hummingbird Nest In Scrub Oak
Priscilla the Dorper ewe is uncommonly friendly for her kind. Many years ago she had an accident while being loaded into a livestock trailer. She smacked her front right hoof on a metal part of the trailer and lost most of her right toe. It took about six months of wrapping, salves and therapy for… Continue reading Ewe Priscilla uses Mare as Scratching Post
Our gentle jenny BonBon has been through a lot this past year. She has twice been to the emergency room for “choke” and had to be treated for an abscess a few months ago. She has also had trouble walking about lately due to chronic laminitis. A trip to the equine clinic bore terrible news… Continue reading BonBon’s New Routine
Here at Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary, we are very grateful for our volunteers. When it comes time to do hoof trims, inoculations, and de-worming — it’s almost impossible to do it alone. Fortunately for us, friends of the sanctuary Jennifer and her son Wesley were at the ready early this Saturday morning. In this video… Continue reading Goat Herd Hoof Trims
The pair of Canadian Geese we saw earlier in the week came back this morning and were feeding in the goat’s pasture. They were probably attracted to the steady honking of the Chinese Geese here at the ranch. It took a while to spook them upon a slow and steady approach, but finally they flew… Continue reading Canadian Geese Spooked