Rescued Roosters Debut at LGRS

Here’s a shout out to Monica and her colleagues at Animal Investigation & Response – a Texas-based non-profit. They are an animal protection organization that assists law enforcement, animal control agencies and communities with animal abuse related issues. See:   Animal Protection Organizations often work with Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary to place animals who… Continue reading Rescued Roosters Debut at LGRS

Goat Day Afternoon Featuring Sheba

A friend of the rescue – Gautreau Family Estate Wines – recently sponsored our sweet little doe Sheba. We are very grateful for such sponsorship because these donations help us to buy feed, provide shelter and veterinary care. (Our hearty thanks to the winery!). Sheba is a classic Nigerian Dwarf. Her nickname is “little snickers… Continue reading Goat Day Afternoon Featuring Sheba

Visit from Wandering Heifer Calf

Don’t worry this cute little one has been returned to its momma but the poor thing was scared and crying out for her a lot. This heifer calf squeezed its way through the barbed wire fence along the Northern perimeter of the donkey pasture over the weekend. Its mom was on the other side kicking… Continue reading Visit from Wandering Heifer Calf

Easter Eggers, Anconas, Blue Stars Coming Along

So far this growing season, we are raisng four Easter Eggers, four Anconas, and four Blue Stars. We are still waiting on some Barred Rock and Black Asutrolorps from the hatchery. We’re also waiting on a few Khaki Campbell and Cayuga ducks.   As the name implies, Easter Eggers carry a gene that causes them… Continue reading Easter Eggers, Anconas, Blue Stars Coming Along

Sheep Whisperer

We are fortunate to have friends of the sanctuary on call for some of the more strenuous activities around the ranch. For example, the annual sheep shearing and hoof trims of the sheep and goats. We try to do this in early May before it gets too hot. That coat of winter wool gets so… Continue reading Sheep Whisperer

Wild Turkey Hen Preens

We just love it when we are visited by wild turkeys here at Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary. It was particularly rainy this week, and for some reason, this seems to bring the turkeys out in the open. Gail was able to capture this fine hen on camera while she lolled about preening in the… Continue reading Wild Turkey Hen Preens

Donkeys Mugging For More Food

Oh look at these mopey John Donkeys mugging for the camera like they have not eaten in a year! Big fakers! Yeah, they just gobbled down a bunch of coastal hay, grains and carrots and they’re hanging on the fence line like we starve them or something! These big boys sure love to eat, but… Continue reading Donkeys Mugging For More Food

Goat Kid Caught In Fence

A warning to anyone aspiring to be a goat herder: Please use proper fencing. Cattle panels are dangerous for goats and sheep, especially the young ones. That is to say, do NOT use panels that are 6×6 inches. They can get caught easily owing to their horns and this can lead to deep lacerations and… Continue reading Goat Kid Caught In Fence

Canada Geese Eye Goat Herd

That pretty pair of Canada Geese is back again to visit this Spring. We are pretty sure they are attracted to our domestic Chinese Geese because.. well our geese are are so loud. This lovely pair was following the goat herd as they were being fed. You can see them eyeing the goats as they… Continue reading Canada Geese Eye Goat Herd

Gaggle Gets Goat’s Attention

Our geese not only sound the alarm when they see or hear something they don’t like, but they also demand attention at feeding time. In fact, they will delay gobbling down their grains and veggies to spend time with us when we come down to their area.   Here in this video you will see… Continue reading Gaggle Gets Goat’s Attention