Maria the Doe

SPONSOR MARIA Maria was born in October of 2009 so she is getting up there in age for a goat. She is a beautiful Nubian with great coloring and disposition. She came to Lucky Glider Rescue & Sanctuary along with two eight-month-old offspring (Rufus and Mandy) in October of 2011.   Maria and her brood… Continue reading Maria the Doe

Sheba the Doe

SPONSOR SHEBA Sheba is a very special goat here at Lucky Glider Ranch. She was born in January of 2010. She is three-quarters Nigerian Dwarf and one-quarter Nubian. Her two offspring are Saul (La Mancha father), and Sydney (Nigerian father). Her boys rarely leave her side and when it’s time to sleep they all curl… Continue reading Sheba the Doe

Priscilla the Ewe

SPONSOR PRISCILLA Priscilla is one of our friendly sheep. She came to us less than a year old in 2010 but had some trouble in loading into her trailer and broke one of her front hooves. She required a lot of special care in dressing and antibiotic salves on that hoof for about six months.… Continue reading Priscilla the Ewe

Pauline the Ewe

Pauline is one of our Dorper mix ewes. She was born in July of 2012 in the Texoma area and participated in the grand relocation of the sanctuary to Bosque county.   Pauline has no offspring as all of the Rams were whether shortly after her arrival. Her mother Patsy is no longer with us,… Continue reading Pauline the Ewe