BonBon The Jenny Donkey

SPONSOR BONBON This is one of our lovely Jennys named “BonBon.” She is a gentle donkey and has an understated, soulful cry when she wants attention or is begging for a treat. She was originally from a farm in the Texoma area and was part of a group of donkeys that were a bit crowded… Continue reading BonBon The Jenny Donkey

Callie the Jenny Donkey

SPONSOR CALLIE Callie is one of our gentle Jennys at Lucky Glider Ranch. Callie was part of a wild donkey round-up by the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) about ten years ago. She was born in August of 2000. Callie was transferred to LGRS in 2010 from another 501(c)3 rescue called Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue.… Continue reading Callie the Jenny Donkey

Nestle the Gelding Donkey

SPONSOR NESTLE Nestle is our youngest donkey at Lucky Glider Ranch. This beautiful little boy was born on September 17th, 2001. His mother is BonBon, who came to the sanctuary three months into her pregnancy — but she was not showing at the time. BonBon was always front-and-center in the mornings for her daily treat… Continue reading Nestle the Gelding Donkey